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October 19, 2015

Effects of acceleration; attack on hospital; Illuminati in US; collaborators against Illuminati; “end times”; issues of concern, do not fear; personal ascension; asking within; Jesus; soul’s origin, relationship with cumulative soul

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth is orbiting in astral planes wherein vibrations are impacting your society at a quickening pace. As linear time is “crunching up,” everything in your world is being pushed more swiftly toward remedy, resolution or final moment, and third density karmic experiences are moving faster toward completion.

This acceleration is causing the Illuminati to take irrationally desperate measures to cling to their remnants of control in New York City and Washington, DC. Often fingers have pointed at the United States for self-serving interference in other countries’ affairs, and with justification—all significant federal actions from Day One have been the work of individuals in the Illuminati’s Rockefeller faction within that nation’s government and military forces, all without the knowledge of the citizenry, who mistakenly thought their voices and votes counted.

Let us tell you what evolved civilizations have long observed about your world. People ruled by other corrupt governments knew they were captives of their political systems; however, only recently and only some United States citizens are realizing that they’ve been duped into believing they lived in “the land of the free” and what they’ve been told generation after generation: We must fight our enemies who want to destroy our freedoms and democratic way of life.

Thus, as your world reels from aerial strikes on Doctors without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, a tragedy stemming from Illuminati madness, the blame falls on the United States via the wrongful assumption that the country’s Commander-in-Chief authorized the unconscionable attack. The fact is, behind the scenes President Obama and others in positions of influence—primarily individuals in the US and in China; Israelis who know Netanyahu’s dark intentions to foment WWIII; Russian President Vladimir Putin; Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; and Pope Francis—have been collaborating to uproot all of the far-reaching tentacles of the Illuminati’s Rockefeller and Rothschild factions.

That attack on the hospital; explosions at a peace rally in Ankara, Turkey; clashes between Israelis and Palestinians; the situation in Syria; and shootings in the United States have caused some to view deadly violence and other prevalent conditions globally as “unsolvable problems.” Dear ones, none of the issues of your concern, which also include effects of climate change, lack of clean water, deforestation, near extinction of some animals, diminishing bee population, widespread surveillance, unjust legal and justice systems, enforced vaccinations, massive impoverishment and rampant pollution as well as war mentality, bigotry, greed and ignorance of truths is unsolvable!

Everything happening in your world is due to Earth’s ascension into increasingly lighter energy planes wherein negatively-based activity is more quickly and emphatically running out its energetic course. However, in some circles this is deemed evidence that “end times” are at hand. We know this isn’t your belief, but we think you will enjoy knowing what God told my mother about that concept several years ago:

“Those souls who are intent upon having an Armageddon, so they shall! But for you who aren’t intent upon having that sort of ‘future,” you WON’T! You can stay within the light and rise into higher and higher dimensions of closeness, understanding, awareness. There are no strict rules that are so complex or rigorous that you and anyone else aren’t capable of adhering to them. All that is required is to live within the light! Or in simplest terms: BE KIND.”

And, with thanks to the light—the same energy as love and the most powerful force in the cosmos—your world is overflowing with kindness and godly works as more and more people are “seeing the light.” Joyously greet this unfolding of consciousness connecting with soul-level knowledge—this, not bodies rising into the skies, is personal ascension—the shedding of all of third density’s negative characteristics and harmful behavior to self and others.

As for other aforementioned issues of concern, first we say, do not be fearful about anything! We cannot say too often that the energy of fear refuels those with dark tendencies and the universal law of attraction is in constant operation!

Now then, to address those issues. Harsh effects of climate change will ease as Earth gets closer to attaining her once-moderate climate worldwide; if necessary, residents of sea-level island areas will be relocated in plenty of time to avert danger. Ongoing assistance of your universal family includes neutralizing or ameliorating harmful effects of toxic elements in vaccines and all sources of pollution; and, added to your own technologies that are emerging from Illuminati suppression, your family will introduce advanced technologies that can remedy environmental damage so quickly that you will be astounded. Bees will return and eventually wildlife will rebound to sustainable numbers except for the few species in arctic climes that will not adapt to those areas’ rising temperatures. Peaceful, trustworthy behavior in your society will end the need for surveillance; all unfair or injurious national laws, justice systems, regulations, and cultural traditions will end incrementally; and, as your world’s resources are fairly allocated, poverty will be eliminated.

It is Gaia’s desire and intention that her planetary body be restored to its original health and beauty and Earth’s humankind flourish in abundance and live in harmony with each other and all of Nature. And so it shall be! Planetary ascension—the world transformation process that you went to Earth to assist in—is assured! Personal ascension is a choice that each person makes, and part of attaining spiritual and conscious enlightenment is knowing the soul you are. Most heartily we have welcomed all of your relevant questions and now shall answer those for which there was no space in previous messages.

“How do I ‘go within’ to ask a question and how will I know if the answer is from soul level or my conscious thought?” In solitude and comfort, visualize yourself in the midst of golden white light, think or say aloud what you want to know, then quiet your mind and simply BE. You may want to see if meditative music is relaxing or a distraction, and it could be helpful to ask first a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.” The answer may come immediately or take a few moments, and when it does, it may be a word, phrase or sentence, which may be audible or appear as a printed sign or move in tickertape fashion; or one or more mental images; or a sensation that clearly indicates “yes” or “no.”

If what you see, hear or strongly sense is similar to what you had been thinking, or hoping for, prior to “going within,” it doesn’t mean that the answer is your own thought; it could be confirmation that your conscious thought and soul knowledge expressed as intuition are closely connected. And, please don’t be disheartened if nothing happens at first try, or even a few times—like every other worthwhile endeavor, practice leads to improvement.

“Was it the person Jesus or his soul who knew how to walk on water and turn a few fish and bread loaves into enough food for the multitudes or were those stories made up to substantiate the claim that he is ‘the only son of God’?” Jesus and his soul were one and the same being, just as every other soul-self is. He knew that everyone has the innate capacity to manifest whatever the person desires and can visualize; that’s why his teachings included that whatever he could do, everyone else could, too. He did walk slightly above water on an occasion when there was a need to do so, and one time there was a need to turn a small amount of food into enough for a hungry crowd. I noted both in my journal.

A conversation with my mother soon after we started communicating in 1994, when I was still living in Nirvana, answers a number of queries about the soul’s origin and its relationship with the cumulative soul, and I’ve asked her to copy those parts.

The soul is the very essence of life as it first sprang from Creator. It is an indestructible living entity of light energy that may have a physical body, etheric body or astral body, or it may exist in free spirit only. Our souls, manifested by God through His co-creating powers with Creator, are expressions of the love and light of God and contain in microcosm every essence of God. In any of its forms, the soul is an inviolate independent being at the same time it exists inseparably with God and Creator and all other souls.

The soul is the power behind everything that exists on Earth. It is the life force of all its parts that it creates for ever-greater experiencing. At every level of evolvement, each soul part is an independent self with intelligence, characteristics, choices, goals and all the other life elements that make each person a unique being.

Each individual lifetime of a soul is its personage. The sum of a soul’s personages is the cumulative soul, and all knowledge gained by each personage is available to all. Thus, as each one melds into the cumulative soul, bringing the wisdom of that lifetime’s experiences, every individual personage evolves just as the cumulative soul does. I believe the simplest explanation of the cumulative soul is this: It is the composite of all its parts starting with the very first division of itself into an independent lifetime for diversity in experiencing.

Where do cumulative souls reside? 

There is no specific place of residence because a cumulative soul is not an individual entity, but rather the indivisible sum of all its personages wherever they are living, and it grows as each one adds its lifetime experiences to the ever-changing composite.  Actually, a better description of a cumulative soul than I first gave you is that it is a force field that derives its entire essence from all its aspects wherever they are throughout the universe.

Do you personally know the other personages in your cumulative soul or do you only have access to their knowledge? 

I know those who are in this realm and some of us have become friends. Some are spending a lifetime on Earth, and I know very well who they are! Some have moved so far toward the light that our energy densities are incompatible, so a meeting isn’t possible, and others have regressed far from the light into lower densities, and I’m surely not interested in going there! Some have chosen lifetimes out of this galaxy, where I don’t travel often, so I’m barely acquainted with them.

Each has its own soul growth to accomplish, Mother. Wherever the other personages are experiencing for their individual growth, we’re always within the familial bonding of our cumulative soul. But it isn’t necessary that we meet or share lifetime interests or know all the details of each other’s lives. What we do share is the essential knowledge of our collective awareness, otherwise all the individual souls’ learning would be wasted.

The cumulative soul can advance from its station toward the light only by the advancement of its personages. Therefore, each one not only has the benefit of the cumulative soul’s composite knowledge, but it is continuously given encouragement at soul level to master its chosen lessons so the cumulative soul can evolve. However, that is not self-serving—with that soul’s advancement, all of its personages also have the opportunity to evolve. But, depending upon the free will choices of each, the personage can either grow toward the light or regress so far as to become trapped in base energy.

If a personage becomes trapped, how does that affect its cumulative soul’s energy?

The lifetime energy registration that consigns a personage to the base energy placement does not affect its cumulative soul because that personage’s unique energy stream made its own way entirely by its free will choices. The cumulative soul may encourage its personages, but it can’t ever interfere with their free will. However, out of love for all its personages, the cumulative soul may request divine grace to assist any that become trapped in base energy.

Are the individual souls always aware of everything their cumulative soul knows?

Let me compare this with your memory, Mother. Nothing you have learned or experienced is ever lost in your memory system, but you can’t remember everything at the same time–it would be overwhelming!  Furthermore, many of your experiences were so trivial that they were irrelevant to subsequent happenings and never returned to your conscious mind, yet all are in your memory bank. It’s the same with the personages of the cumulative soul as they experience their respective lifetimes.

That makes sense. Matthew, with all these parts of your cumulative soul, I just want to be absolutely sure that you are ONLY my Matthew and nobody else!

Oh, Mother, absolutely I am Matthew and no one else!  Every personage is its own soul and no one else!  The cumulative soul is the synthesis of all its independently functioning soul-selves.

But it sounds as if every soul that divides itself becomes a cumulative soul, so you could do the same and become one, too. 

Mother, I realize that in my eagerness to answer your questions, sometimes my efforts result in confusion rather than clarification. The terms I’ve given you for the various aspects of soul expression—cumulative soul, personages, soul fragments or sparks and such—are meant only to show the soul’s long journey striving through multiple lifetimes to return to its beginning in the perfect love and light of Creator.

In this realm we don’t need differentiation of terms, as the soul’s energy registration in the universe is evidence of its evolutionary station. Since each soul is its own inviolate self regardless of its station or the number of its progeny, we think of each simply as “soul.”  And that is how we speak of each one to you unless we are trying to explain the soul growth stages through its independently functioning aspects, or the inextricable and eternal connection of each soul with God and all other souls in the universe.

Thank you, Mother, and yes, I see that once again must leave remaining questions about the soul for the next message. We hope that our answers thus far have been convincing: You are limitlessly powerful, unconditionally loved divine beings in the eternal Oneness of All.




Suzanne Ward


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September 20, 2015

Effects of energy surges; pace of progress; spiritual messengers’ experience; lightworkers’ service; events that won’t happen; sonic wave; flight MH370; Khazarians; Pope Francis’ visit to US; angelic realms

With loving greetings on behalf of all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Early along Earth’s ascension course, energy surges were mild and occasional, and most of the populace mutely continued to accept the status quo. When the planet reached planes where the surges were stronger and more frequent, outspokenness about intolerable conditions and heated activity began in earnest. Now voices throughout your world are rising to a crescendo as the peoples are forcefully freeing themselves from the last vestiges of millennia of control by dark minds and hearts.

All along during Earth’s journey, lightworkers have been in the vanguard of world-changers. We know that at times you feel weary, even in moments despondent, about the pace of progress, and not only because a number of you recently have written this to my mother. Although the selected examples were edited for brevity, the cited parts preserve the writers’ sentiments and express those of the others who wrote, feelings we know that many more of you share.


“Humanity is said to be in the process of a fundamental change – a total turn around toward Love/Light/God/Spirit … However, many humans don’t show signs allowing to hope for such an awakening. And I include myself in this.”

“Why do animals have to suffer so much? Why can’t we all just either ‘not exist’ at all or why can’t we all just live in perfect harmony? I want sooo much to ‘believe’ but I just don’t understand what it’s all about.”

“War atrocities have created a desperate refugee situation. Some people are billionaires while millions live in poverty and children die of starvation and unsanitary living conditions. It is difficult to accept that karma is the reason for the vastness of inequities and suffering. Will it never end?”

“The more I see pain, violence and grief, the harder it is to believe what you and other spiritual messengers tell us you see. Looking at this world from wherever you are is vastly different from living here, where suffering and hopelessness seem endless.”

“I understand the free will concept but I can’t help but wonder why the entity we refer to as ‘God’ would create this planet earth for us to inhabit as humans just to allow it to be messed up [again by humans] to the point Gaia is screaming for help and then ask for volunteers to come and try to fix it?”

“I’ve always wanted everyone to treat each other and the animals kindly and respectfully like you say it will be in the Golden Age. I’m 89 now and sad that I won’t live long enough to see it.”

Beloved family, let us be your “cheerleaders” for a moment. It would be premature to rush onto the playing field to celebrate before the final whistle, but when the game is in its last stages—and the light vs dark battle on Earth IS!—and our team is so far ahead that victory is certain, it isn’t premature to feel triumphant. The game isn’t quite over, though, and the team that knows it has lost isn’t going to just walk off the field—both sides have to keep slogging it out until the game ends.

That may not be the most apt analogy for a world in the process of being transformed, so we shall speak clearly: With each passing moment, your society moves closer to a peaceful world with justness, kindness and abundance for all.

You don’t remember that other civilizations persevered many thousands of years to change from perpetual fighting to living harmoniously, thus you have no comparison for seeing that you are doing this at a speed without precedence in this universe. What you can do is think how far you have come since the game started, when Earth started her ascension course 80-some years ago—a mere speck of time even in your recorded history. Ages-old deception and control are being revealed along with current corruption, lies and power-mongering; communication and negotiation are replacing headlong rush into battle; citizens’ demands for reforms in governance are bringing about changes at every level; local, national and international organizations are making inroads into humane treatment of animals, environmental preservation and aid to people in dire need.

Indeed, a great deal more must be done before “all just live in perfect harmony” and it is happening! There is far more goodness in your world than you would know from mainstream media, which still are controlled to the extent that “the news” focuses on trouble spots, divisive issues and trivia with rarely a mention of the innumerable splendid achievements of “people power” in communities and cities around your world; and a large percentage of Internet articles and messages via social media also tend to report worrisome situations.

Most who originate or pass on information—and consequently their recipients—aren’t aware of the ever-intensifying light that is enabling personal and planetary ascension. They don’t know that world leaders publicized as adversaries are working together behind closed doors to achieve peaceful outcomes in volatile areas or that the economic system established and manipulated by dark minds is collapsing to make way for the new global system based in honesty and fairness. They have no idea that a multitude of evolved souls from other civilizations are living among you to assist society progress or that thousands of spacecraft surrounding the planet are helping in many vital ways, and when it is safe, some will land and bring advanced technologies. You do know all of that—let your knowledge lift you above the inundation of information from unenlightened sources.

Here let us borrow your expression, “We have walked in your moccasins.” At times we felt world-weary and our patience grew thin when we were endeavoring to bring about godly changes in our respective worlds, including some Earth lifetimes. It was heart-wrenching to see so much conflict and misery and difficult to put it into the context of karmic lessons. Even though we knew those souls had chosen their experiences for the balance they needed to evolve and others in the pre-birth agreements were providing the required circumstances, still it was sad for us to see it being played out. And, in those lifetimes of ours, just as now, not all “heavy players” were serving within agreements; acting from greed, heartlessness and lust for power, they caused many to endure unchosen conditions that nevertheless were greatly beneficial in soul evolvement.

So you see, dear ones, we do understand your feelings. And, from personal experience and spiritual guidance, we know that you will uplift yourselves and those who are suffering by sending them the light within compassion and caring, not the low vibrations of discouragement and despair; and sending light to those who cause pain and injustices instead of the low vibrations of judgment is what will bring malevolence to an end. All of those souls are brothers and sisters in our universal family, and the benevolence in the light you send them radiates out into the universe—anything anywhere affects everything everywhere!

As for “Gaia is screaming for help and then ask for volunteers to come and try to fix it,” it was with unconditional love for all souls on Earth that when Gaia cried out for help to save her planetary body, civilizations advanced in spirituality, consciousness and technology responded immediately and joyfully. It was with that same loving spirit that you eagerly volunteered to come to Earth and do your part.

Will it never end?” We repeat a statement in our last message: You advance to a level of spiritual and conscious awareness wherein karma no longer is needed, and, as the multidimensional beings you are, you will continue evolving and remembering your Beginnings in the pure love-light of Creator. Many of you are from civilizations that have mastered all karmic lessons, and when your light service on Earth is over, you may choose to return to your homelands or enjoy time in Nirvana first. Either way, you will have the heartfelt satisfaction of having helped a civilization evolve out of third density karma and start living happily, cooperatively, productively and creatively.

If you don’t live on the planet long enough to see Earth’s Golden Age in full bloom, you will not miss out. From your vantage point in spirit life or your own world, you can watch the entire panorama unfold as the energy of love envelops Earth; as she is restored to her original pristine beauty and health; as abundance flows equally to all of humankind, who will treat the animals with caring and respect and live in harmony with all of Nature. And, you will see how your light keeps contributing to this wondrous world that is flourishing in the continuum and in linear time is on the near horizon.

Now then, we are aware of speculations, in some cases convictions, that one or another event is imminent. One end of the range of prognostications includes “end times” with destruction on an epic scale, worldwide chaos following global economic meltdown, where nuclear WWIII most likely will start, and enslavement by an ancient Earth civilization that is returning. By intention or not, these “preparedness alerts” about situations that will not occur are creating the energy of fear, which refuels those with dark ambitions and creates negativity for Earth to disperse via earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires and severe storms.

At the other end of the speculative range is a cosmic wave that will raise your civilization into fifth density or some other astral condition that also imparts sudden enlightenment. Individuals whose hopes are pinned on a spiritual and consciousness awakening in one fell swoop worldwide will be disappointed, just as those who expected life on Earth to be loving and peaceful on December 21, 2012, and henceforth felt sorely let down.

What is happening and will continue is this: Earth’s ascension into successively higher vibratory planes with correspondingly stronger surges of love-light energy is accelerating souls’ journey along the spiritual pathway. Yes, some are seriously lagging and causing misery to many, but please don’t let this be foremost in your thoughts and feelings—be mindful that the universal law of attraction is in constant operation. By feeling grateful for positive developments and confident, optimistic and excited about Earth’s future, you help your society move more quickly toward that magnificence.

A number of you have written about the discovery of a part from Malaysian Airline flight MH370. I didn’t know at the time Ashtar explained “When the plane’s problems developed like dominoes falling and wiped out all systems required to keep the plane under control…” that problems included the loss of any of the plane’s movable parts. When the piece afloat was identified as from the plane, the investigators logically concluded that the rest of it is at the bottom of the sea. Not in their wildest imagining would they think that it was stabilized within the powerful energy field of another civilization’s large spaceship, which kept the bulk of the plane intact until it was safely put down on a planet similar to Earth and all aboard disembarked after a rescue mission in accordance with their collective soul-level choice.

We have been asked if Khazarians are within the ranks of the Illuminati. Indeed so, and their long history of conquest and ruthlessness still is evident in your world.

Also we have been requested to share our thoughts about Pope Francis’ visit to the United States. We think its importance will be global. Throughout his papacy he has urged uplifting struggling peoples everywhere in messages that transcend politics. Because decisions made in the United States affect many other countries, we feel that what Pope Francis says during his visit will help to increase spiritual awareness within that nation’s government and the citizenry, and ultimately result in benefitting people around the world.

Our last message about the soul evoked more queries, and we shall get to those after answering questions for which there was no space in that message.

“Do only souls in the most advanced civilizations become angels or can souls in a lower density civilization who aspire to reach that exalted status also attain it?” Even souls in the most advanced civilizations do not become angels, souls whose frequencies are so high that they are pure energy.

Creator’s first expression of Itself produced the archangels, who are of the highest love-light energy and live in the Christed realm closest to Creator. Although they do not incarnate, they can direct aspects of their soul-selves into personages whom they endow with innate abilities and knowingness; the best known in this universe may be Sananda, one of whose personages is the soul you call Jesus. The archangels telepathically communicate with beings in physical and spirit worlds and they continuously beam their all-powerful energy throughout the cosmos.

Using Creator-bestowed energy, they visualized and manifested subsequent levels of angels, and those in this universe serve as God’s emissaries in myriad ways. Certainly you may call upon them for help at any time—souls throughout the angelic realm welcome this—but asking isn’t necessary as these ever-vigilant beings are aware of your circumstances and freely provide assistance. While never can they interfere with anyone’s free will, they are permitted to save people from transitioning prior to their contract’s longevity clause, spur the action of bodies’ self-healing mechanisms, provide divine guidance, boost energy, uplift spirits, ease emotional and physical suffering, and accompany persons during the lightning-quick transition from physical to spirit life. Their presence in your life is indicated in paintings by master artists of yore, but contrary to those depictions, angels do not have wings; however, they can easily manifest them and often do during a lifesaving mission of a person who believes they have wings.

Some souls later in the angelic lineage may choose to enter the cycle of life in spirit and physical worlds to exemplify godliness and enlightenment in a fledgling civilization or one emerging out of darkness. More often, though, they take on personhood only briefly for a specific purpose—perhaps to safeguard someone in momentary danger, console a distraught individual, nudge in the soul’s chosen direction a person who doesn’t know which fork in the road to take, or offer encouragement to someone to follow strong intuitive feelings.

Thus, aspiring to become an angel cannot make it so, but aspiring to be like an angel is most worthy. And, dear ones, by expressing your love-light through generously sharing with those who need assistance, you are serving as “angels on Earth.”

Yes, Mother, I can see that remaining questions must wait for the next message. In farewell we say, the unconditional love of all lighted souls in this universe is embracing you all along your journey on Earth.


Suzanne Ward



It has been a long time since the last news letter mainly due to time restraints and an overwhelming workload. Hopefully we can catch up on the latest including a lot of high strangeness. We have an over 34,000 acre fire blazing on the south and east side of Mt Adams. The smoke is overwhelming at times going back and forth from blue skies to gray and smokey. I just washed off three states of smoke from the van as I returned from the Shasta conference. From Washington State to California down the I5 corridor the air was filled with smoke from multiple fires. It is my theory this is all planned, the drought, the fires all a byproduct of geoengineering. Not only were the skies filled with smoke there were intense chemtrails overhead with HAARP signature. The aluminum from the chemtrails and other heavy metals make the fires burn much hotter. It fits perfect into Agenda 21 driving the people out of the country back into the cities as well as creating massive food shortages in their depopulation program. This is not conspiracy theory it is conspiracy fact.

The Shasta conference put on by Rob Potter was a very heart centered event. Omnec Omnec was a wonderful speaker as well as Tolec who were my favorites. Both are brilliant lights. There were many other speakers yet due to other demands I missed their presentations. The journey to the retreat to do my presentation was met with extreme high strangeness. If I did not have witnesses I would not even mention what happened. We drove our usual route to a place I have been to several times. It is a very simple route yet on three different occasions the land scape changed on the very same road to Castle Lake we had taken earlier. The retreat center, well marked with signs was no where to be found. We drove back to the beginning, got on the same road yet on all three occasions everything looked different. We were late for my presentation and finally I said enough. I am going to collapse time, call on the higher dimensional beings to end this nonsense. Right after I said that the clock on my cell phone which the GPS went wonkers started going backwards. It went from 9:47 to 9:30 giving us ample time to make the presentation. Our computers and electronic equipment were also being hacked and acting strange. The tall Greys who were responsible for the holographic shenanigans were removed and the road reverted back to the road I knew. None the less we made it on time. I know this is a bit Wu Wu for most people to understand but in my world it is not uncommon.

We have been using Yi Gong to alter weather, change the winds, blow the previous fire back on itself and clear the skies with tremendous success during the last conference, the Laura Eisenhower and Dr. Dream event and subsequent skywatches. I have found as the new energies come in our intentions are manifesting more frequently and with more power. During the Shasta conference last Friday and Saturday a great wave of energy passed through. There were also solar flares which knocked a lot of people off kilter. During these times we need to take off our shoes, get grounded, walk in nature and resynchronize to the new Earth energies. A good nap also helps. With these new energies we are going to have to make adjustments. Cleanses are great, detox the body, drink a lot of fresh clean water, eat lighter foods close to the Earth. We are entering times of high strangeness, it will not be business as usual. Between the shadow governments collapse, last ditch efforts to remain in control, Nature, and the Awakening and Healing process it will be interesting times. Practice staying centered, holding space with loving detachment. Slow down and take care of yourself. This is the best advice I can give.

Be sure and don’t miss the upcoming events at the ranch.

Winston Schrout Sept 4-6
Randy Kramer Sept 25-27
Self Mastery Making Contact with James Gilliland and Tashina an Apache wisdom keeper, Arcturian representative. October 9-11
Nov 25th to 29th gratitude gathering last gathering before closing for winter.

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Matthew 17 Aug. 2015

August 17, 2015

Insects; international cooperation; active September; Pope Francis; Cecil the lion; global politics; eternal soul; God, Creator; soul, personage makeup; manifestation; dark souls, lost souls, root souls; soul communication, brain, mind; long-life DNA programming

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. I thank all of you who wrote about this part of our last message: Insects also serve the purpose of souls whose lifetime energy consigned them to the basest part of third density spirit realms… You will welcome knowing that insects cannot survive in the higher vibratory levels where Earth is heading, and their place in the food chain no longer will be needed.

I should have said “those” before the words “insects” in both statements to make clear that the information pertained only to insects in the reader’s question about the purpose of “…roaches, fleas, mosquitoes, etc.?”—the kinds of insects that cause or spread disease or are just plain nuisances. So, dear ones, you can welcome knowing that honey bees will be with you as long as their valuable service is desired and honored; and other splendid little life forms that delight you, like butterflies, dragonflies, lady bugs and lightning bugs, also will continue to grace your world with their beauty and uniqueness as Earth moves into ever-higher vibratory planes.

Now then, there is a flurry of covert and overt activity around efforts to stabilize the global economy and weed out corruption in financial institutions; bring forth truths to expose long-time deceptions; stop funding to the Islam State and for the Illuminati’s “black ops” events; and curtail industrial pollution and other environmental destruction. This growing spirit of international cooperation is a notable milestone in the transformation of your world; and while it is so that efforts toward reforms will meet pockets of stubborn resistance along the way until all areas of conflict reach peaceful resolution, nothing can deter the light’s powerful momentum or the expanding consciousness of Earth humankind.

To readers who asked if, in an “imminent cosmic wave,” enlightened persons will ascend bodily, we say “No,” and people with dark proclivity will not die en masse.

As for the events cited as “coming in September,” Earth’s energy field of potential does indicate an active period, but it doesn’t include a meteor or any other large celestial body striking the planet with catastrophic results or nuclear World War III starting in the Mideast—neither of those will happen in September or ever!  And, if there is economic upheaval in the United States, it would not be a “false flag” so the government can declare martial law and make mass arrests. That this bankrupt country has been kept afloat by the Illuminati’s self-serving Federal Reserve System for the past several years eventually has to surface and stop, and procedures are in place to minimize financial inconvenience to the citizenry.

We see nothing at all “suspicious about Pope Francis’ choice of arrival date in the United States,” and absolutely he acts from purity of heart. Speculation that he secretly is working with the Illuminati is malicious disinformation, very likely disseminated by them to blur the truth that he is uprooting their centuries of entrenchment in the Vatican.

According to our colleagues in Nirvana, the over-angel of lion souls was with Cecil to ease his suffering during the hours he was wounded, and after he transitioned he learned of the outpouring of anger about his death.  No, he didn’t have a karmic agreement with Walter Palmer; however, “trophy hunters” do incur karmic lessons and the manner of Cecil’s death greatly raised awareness of the collective responsibility to protect and respect all of Earth’s animal life. That sad incident also intensified the spotlight on the very same responsibility regarding the lives of all Earth’s humankind.

Many of you have requested our comments about political situations in your native countries. Speaking globally, governments have controlled most aspects of life in your world; therefore, they are the areas where the most profound changes must come, and we can see from our vantage point that those are on the way. But sweeping clean national governments and tyrannical regimes is not easy or quick, and the turmoil you are seeing—if we may twist your phrase—is the storm before the calm. As for our “perspective” of the political scene in the United States, as revelations emerge between now and election day, you shall see why all the media chatter about which of the many candidates will become president is such a pitiful waste of energy.

Numerous questions and comments about the soul show the need for clarity about a topic that is much more important than politics for you to understand. We are happy to offer this, and the following comment from a reader is a good place to start: “Learning karmic lessons in one lifetime after another doesn’t make being an ‘eternal soul’ the least bit appealing.”  We assure you, being an eternal soul is not an endless series of up-and-down karmic experiences! You advance to a level of spiritual and conscious awareness wherein karma no longer is needed, and, as the multidimensional beings you are, you will continue evolving and remembering your Beginnings in the pure love-light of Creator. When you attain remembrance in fullness, and that is the goal of every soul, you will return to Creator. Until then—and the time differs as much as each soul differs from every other—you will have wondrous lifetimes as progressively higher souls in worlds where joy, love and beauty are beyond your imagining.

“The various nonreligious references to God are confusing. Is God a Supreme Being Soul, Prime Creator, Creator Source or Highest Angel?”  God is a soul—every life form everywhere is a soul—and, as the Supreme Being of this universe, He is the source of all life within this universe, but He is not Creator Source or Prime Creator. Those are other designations for Creator/Creation, the energy source and the being-ness of everything that exists throughout the cosmos. Only for ease of speaking do we say simply Creator.

Nor is God of the angelic realm, but He is one of their manifestations—the first souls with life form potential. They were the androgynous gods and goddesses, who had the option to remain as pure light or take on a form; of those who chose to be light, Creator selected some to co-create the universes and rule over them. You call the god chosen by Creator to co-create this universe and be its Supreme Being by different names, including God. Eventually, some of the gods and goddesses who wanted to embody lived for a time on Earth; they could manifest whatever physical appearance they wished, which is why some figures with quite unusual features are in drawings and artifacts of ancient civilizations.

“I don’t understand how souls living in a spirit world can create new people or personages. Is it because they have different ‘ingredients’ in their soul makeup than people and personages do?”  We understand that the terms soul, personage and person, which are used interchangeably, can muddy the waters, so to say. Although we tend to say personage when speaking about a soul manifesting a being and person during that being’s physical lifetime, the two words mean the same: an individual’s thoughts, feelings, self-image, characteristics, behavior, talents, skills, ideas, dreams, beliefs, achievements, failures, relationships and all other experiences throughout the lifetime. Soul is who you are—an independent, unique, divine being and inseparable part of the Supreme Being of this universe and of Creator/Creation. You are not a person who has a soul, you are a soul having personal experiences in a body.

Whether in a spirit or a physical world, souls’ makeup is identical—Creator’s love-light energy. However, you could say that the soul’s makeup has “ingredients” with reference to the innate qualities it imparts to its personage: conscience; inspiration; instinct; unlimited capacity to love; spiritual strength; manifesting ability; and sense of honor, radiant goodness and interconnectedness with God and Nature. Where the person and the soul may differ considerably is whether the person chooses to act upon those qualities or ignore them—or, how it uses Creator’s gift of free will.

Let us use Nirvana’s higher layer as an example of how souls in a spirit world use Creator’s energy to produce what they desire. One person can manifest localized weather, clothing, furniture and flowers, for instance; producing more complex objects like homes, museums, cars and boats requires more participants—some visualize parts of the interior in tandem with those who visualize exterior parts.

When a soul desires experiences that can happen only in a physical world, that soul manifests a being using Creator’s energy—the makeup of the new soul—and endows this new being—person or personage—with the aforementioned innate qualities along with all the attributes that will enable the kind of life the manifester soul has chosen. This includes a pre-birth agreement with the two souls who will become the parents and provide the manifester’s choices such as genetic and cultural heritage, geographic location and economic status; and with all other souls who will share the person’s lifetime.

Matthew has said, the aim of the dark forces is to capture SOULS. What happens to the many ‘good’ people who may have been grappling with ‘possession’ by these dark energies for years and become so debilitated, they give up the struggle?  Is that a ‘win’ for the dark forces?  What happens to that person’s soul?”  The soul is liberated when the body dies and the person’s etheric body and lifetime memories enter Nirvana, where his or her tormented psyche and debilitated etheric body are given customized care and constant attention throughout the healing process.

As mentioned in previous messages, every soul remains its inviolate, independent self even as it is a part of its cumulative soul. There is another kind of relationship, too. Every “new” soul becomes part of the lineage of an initiator soul called the “root soul,” and since root souls’ lifetimes may affect all of their progeny, they are the souls the dark forces want to capture.

Root souls, like all other souls, are energy, thus indestructible; however, except for the spark that is their life force, their light can be extinguished gradually through multiple lifetimes of negative choices outside soul contracts, thus the term “dark souls.” The laws of this universe draw them to the densest part of a spirit world, where a tiny ray of light is constantly beamed to them—no more than a pinpoint, because dark souls fear the light. When they receive it, a bit more light is made available, and this continues until they have absorbed enough light to incarnate in a primitive form as the first step back up the evolutionary ladder.

If, after eons of linear time, a dark soul still refuses to accept the pinpoint of light, it becomes a “lost soul” and its energy is reabsorbed by Creator, the source of its life force. When this happens to a root soul, the life force of all souls in its lineage wherever they are in the universe is cut off. You could liken this to a central power station that suddenly fails to function and no longer can transmit power to any of its innumerable facilities. The rare instances when that has occurred are what the dark forces consider “capturing” souls, but why they think this stretches understanding because none of those souls is in the clutches of darkness. The root soul and all of its progeny are within the essence of Creator, where they are oblivious to ever having existed independently, but the memory field of each soul is stored intact energetically.

Extraordinary happenings during this unprecedented time in the universe include the highest universal council’s granting of dispensation petitions submitted on behalf of lost and nearly lost souls. Angels and soulmates volunteered to assist those souls quickly gain enough intelligence and reasoning ability to understand the depths of darkness into which they had fallen and make enlightened choices henceforth, and this soul-saving mission includes restoring memory fields to all lineage of the “lost” root souls.

“What is the relationship between the soul and the mind? Is intelligence part of the soul or the body?” The capacity to know everything that exists throughout all of creation is within the soul. When the soul taps into this repository of All Consciousness, it reports what it “sees” to the brain, which is a personal computer that processes data for the mind to assimilate and “tell” the person what the soul wants it to know—those messages may come as images, words, sensations or a combination of impressions. Intelligence, the brain’s ability to learn and the mind’s ability to comprehend and appropriately apply information, is in accordance with what the soul wants to experience during the physical lifetime.

“Is it true that every soul has its own frequency?”  Yes. It is a soul’s unique frequency “signature” that enables each to be tracked wherever it is in this universe, the soul transition team and people in a spirit world to know when a person dear to them is entering spirit life, and families and pets to be reunited. Reunions can take place anywhere in this universe where the energy is compatible with the souls’ energy—your concept of distance doesn’t exist in the continuum.

“Do you know when our civilization will be able to live for several hundred years like souls in more evolved civilizations?”  No, we don’t, but we can say that it comes individually, not to an entire population in one fell swoop. People in more evolved civilizations can live for a thousand of your years or even millions because their DNA isn’t programmed for aging or disease. But the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the universe is inextricably connected with evolution, and at some point a soul masters all learning offered in a particular environment.

When a soul reaches that point, it may dematerialize its body and manifest one that fits into its choice of new civilization, or it may want to spend time in a spirit world before joining a civilization that offers grander learning experiences. And some souls—like many of you!—volunteer to briefly “backtrack,” in a manner of speaking, to assist a fledgling civilization or one that is enshrouded in darkness, and a lifetime of that kind of benevolence is a leap forward in evolution.

Beloved family, several questions remain on my mother’s list, but there is not enough space here to include them, so we shall address the rest in our next message. And now we bid you farewell in words only, as our unconditional love forever is with you.





June 25, 2018 Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love called happiness. Happiness is the experience of joy, contentment, and positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, successful and worthwhile. The feeling of happiness is achieved by following one’s heart and doing what they love. When one does this, the individual feels connected with the happiness that is within them. They have a sense that everything they have been looking for in their life is already within them and can be accessed at any time. By connecting with their true nature through regular periods of stillness and silence, their outer circumstances and experiences reflect to them their inner state of being and this brings them more abundance, love and fulfillment in their lives. There are many ways one can train their mind to achieve happiness. They can choose loving  thoughts, words, and actions in every situation they encounter throughout their day. The more they cultivate their inner knowing through love, compassion, joy and observation, the more they become a vibrant source of happiness for themselves and this happiness radiates outwardly to others.

It is in one’s innermost essence of divine connection that joy and happiness naturally arises. One does not have to do anything in particular to create it. One finds lasting happiness in the realization that true happiness and peace of mind cannot be found in anything external; it can only be found within them.  By actively engaging in positive thoughts, words, and deeds, it brings them closer to their true divine nature. When they are in touch with their true nature, these positive qualities within them spontaneously manifest. Experiencing happiness is about looking deeply within to see which action brings them true happiness and which ones to eliminate because they bring suffering. Happiness requires discipline and effort but when one is nourished by happiness, exercising discipline becomes a joyful action which brings them to more calmness, clarity, contentment and insight and they treasure every moment of life that they have.

One’s mental state has a tremendous influence on how they experience their daily life. The greater their peace of mind, the greater is their ability to enjoy a happy and joy filled life. This state can transform their entire outlook on life, and their approach to living it in a way that adds to the daily happiness in their lives, even if nothing in their external situation changes. When they are able to recognize and appreciate their blessings, it takes them to a state of happiness. They endeavour to constantly nourish their minds with philosophies of inspired and uplifting words that remind them about true happiness. True happiness comes not from expecting to live a comfortable life without problems and hardship, but rather from a life in which one pursues their dreams despite the challenges and obstacles which beset them. This focus gives them the gifts of inner strength, insight and wisdom.

What matters most for one’s soul journey in the world at this time, is to find the avenues of experience and expression that are conducive to finding their soul’s calling. Beneath all the layers of outer experiences and outer expectations that have been piled upon them throughout their lifetime is true freedom. They rely on and trust that the challenges and temptations that come their way are helping them to learn and grow. This gives them the opportunity to strengthen their commitment to following their soul’s inner promptings. They are aware that individually and collectively, they are part of a vast and magnificent universe. They can interact with it on a beautiful, personal, and intimate level. They know that they are part of something powerful which responds to them through the emotions they feel and the thoughts that they think and will bring them happiness as their hearts desires come to fruition.

When one appreciates that good things come by looking forward to a positive outcome in the future, it has a powerful impact on one’s happiness levels in the present moment. By making a conscious effort to be more optimistic, one can feel happier and more relaxed in their everyday lives. Focusing on the positive aspects of one’s life restores inner balance and encourages mindfulness of oneself and the world around them. One feels more in tune with what is happening within and around them. One finds that they can cope more easily with situations that might upset their inner tranquility and happiness. It gives them the power to make good decisions for self and those around them. The more they feel in control of their lives and the choices they make, the deeper their feeling of inner happiness and peace. Deeply happy and truly powerful people cultivate this deep and authentic spiritual connection which affects their inner core and produces happy results. Their happiness comes as a result of their choice to be true to self and by being kind, caring, compassionate and gentle with others.

May happiness be with you as you walk upon your path in life and may that path be always blessed.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included.


Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.

Matthew’s Messages

July 19, 2015

Greek vote on referendum; Iran’s nuclear program agreement; Illuminati strength; insects, rats; monatomic gold; teen suicides; petitions; depression; planetary cleansing; Trans Pacific Partnership

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of your analysts think that the Greek people’s resounding “No” on the recent referendum put their country on the road to irreversible economic ruin. The country will manage. “No” put the Illuminati on the road to irreversible economic ruin.

Going back a long, long ways, bartering worked splendidly in communities, but the expanding borders of commerce required a different means of exchange; and with the introduction of coinage, money became the axis on which your world turned. The forerunners of the Illuminati and later that group itself controlled the turning by devising taxation, banking and lending systems; and, as centuries passed, “numbered” bank accounts, stock markets, Federal Reserve System, International Monetary Fund, regulating agencies and credit cards with usurious interest rates. Everything they established was specifically designed to add to their fortunes, tighten their economic control over the peoples, and increase their influence within national governments.

The Illuminati began as a cohesive group of like-minded individuals whose objective was world domination. As time went by, egos grew and tempers flared, and eventually two competitive factions with that same goal emerged. Later, the Rothschilds and their adherents, who operate out of London and the Vatican, came up with a plan to solidify their control throughout Europe—the European Union, European Central Bank and euro currency. Let us borrow your expression, “How’s that working for you?” There is no bandage large enough to patch the crack the Greek vote made in the Rothschild network.  The crack will spread like a spider web around the world and into it will fall the Rockefeller faction headquartered in Washington, DC, and on Wall Street.

As if that isn’t enough for both factions to deal with—and Pope Francis’ goodness and wisdom keeps upsetting their apple cart—now there’s the agreement between negotiators from several major nations and Iran’s leaders that their country will not pursue development of a nuclear weapon. It is no surprise that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, a top-ranking Illuminati, denounced the agreement or that Illuminati in the United States Congress and members whose election campaigns were funded by that group are opposing President Obama’s efforts to get congressional approval. They want to invade Iran and, along with taking over that country’s oil, reap the riches that come from producing the machinery of war.

The vibrations of intensifying light that led to those reversals for the Illuminati will keep increasing as the planet continues on its ascension course. If we could tell you when their total undoing will be, we would do so joyously; but activity in Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that their inevitable demise will come in stages, not one fell swoop. They still have some power, dwindling though it is, in their “black ops” branch of the CIA; other intelligence sources, including Mossad; high-ranking personnel in some military forces; leverage within mainstream media and some governments; and huge caches of monies to initiate or exacerbate uprisings, fund the Islam State, and pay their minions to hack computer systems, oversee the street drug trade, fill your skies with chemtrails, deny pollution’s contribution to climate change, or disseminate false information on the Internet.

While a few within the higher ranks of both Illuminati factions are talking with principals in reform movements, the hardliners are talking about joining forces; some have abandoned their fast-sinking ship, died of natural causes or by their own hand, or been arrested. You would recognize some names, most you would not, and it is unlikely that any of the Illuminati will be identified as such in mainstream news reports.

Upheavals will keep popping up as the ages-old light vs dark battle for Earth’s civilization at last is nearing its end. You have waited a long time to see the light triumph as predestined, and you can welcome the bumpy ride through the last phases. However, most of the populace don’t know about that long conflict or that everything transpiring and what is ahead is about planetary and personal ascension out of millennia of dark bondage.

Many people are fearful or angry, and with each new bump, others will have the same reactions. Your calmness, yet excitement, and explaining to the extent individuals are receptive can encourage them to have an optimistic outlook. But please do not be disheartened if family and friends don’t respond positively—they will waken in their own times of readiness.

And, we ask that you keep foremost in your thoughts that every person in your world is a part of God, by whatever name the Supreme Being in this universe is called. Every person is inextricably connected at soul level with all others, and God’s love for each and every one is unconditional. Seeing “offenders” through God’s eyes doesn’t mean wanting them to forego justice by your world’s standards—already this has come to some and shall befall others. What it does mean is, you will uplift yourselves and your world by envisioning those individuals within the light rather than focusing on their punishment. The impartial, nonjudgmental and unavoidable laws of the universe will serve them justice in a spirit world according to their lifetime deeds.

This is an appropriate place to answer a reader’s questions: “What will happen to Nirvana after Earth reaches 5th density? Can there still be reunions with our loved ones?”  Nirvana will accompany Earth to her destination in fifth density and continue to be her spirit realm, but with grand differences. The tiny dense orb that houses the basest individuals and is the only part of the realm separate from the rest will be transported to some third density civilization and incorporated into their spirit world, or it will be dematerialized after its inhabitants are moved to a spirit world of equal density. Nirvana’s lower layers—learning centers for people who want to outgrow their negative tendencies such as bigotry, anger, apathy, envy, miserliness, bitterness, disloyalty, dishonesty, manipulativeness, closed minds and desire to control others—also will disappear. Those traits served well when they were aspects of karmic lessons souls chose to attain balanced experiencing, but your society will have advanced consciously and spiritually and no longer need to experience negative characteristics.

Indeed, reunions of loved ones can take place in Nirvana when that realm and Earth are in fifth density, but then just as now, meetings can be in any placement in this universe where energies are compatible. Actually, these visits have been happening all along during your sleep time, but your bodies’ density can’t retain memories of those visits—when you waken and have fragments of memories of being with a loved one, you attribute them to dreams. As your consciousness expands with light absorption, you will start to clearly remember your joyful reunions.

With reference to our stating that “everything in your world is purposeful,” a reader asked, “What purpose is served by rats, roaches, fleas, mosquitoes, etc.”  It started eons past in linear time, when the darkness manipulated the DNA of some weaker civilizations and programmed their bodies for aging and disease. A civilization at third density conscious and spiritual level, which Earth’s peoples and other life forms have been for many millennia, has bodies that are susceptible to the diseases that some insects and rats can cause or spread; and, given the flexibility in soul contracts, physical death by that means can satisfy contracts’ cause and longevity provisions.

Insects also serve the purpose of souls whose lifetime energy consigned them to the basest part of third density spirit realms. When they are willing to receive sufficient light to embody, they do so in a short-lived form without cellular memory patterning that could influence behavior as they start back up the ladder of evolution. You will welcome knowing that insects cannot survive in the higher vibratory levels where Earth is heading, and their place in the food chain no longer will be needed.

Rats are intelligent, emotional rodents, and those that are well-treated pets respond in kind; the hordes that run wild simply are trying to survive in a world where they are detested. As a civilization grows in consciousness, so do all other life forms in that world. With that advancement comes humankind’s respect for all animal life, and “wild” rats, like other species now considered obnoxious, will be elevated in behavior and popular acceptance. Have no concerns that your world may be overrun with rats or rabbits or any other animals that produce litters quickly! They will reproduce less often and in smaller numbers as long as they decide to embody on the planet—these species, like all others, evolve and at some point incarnate as higher-order beings.

Citing numerous ways that Earth’s animals are being treated inhumanely, a reader asked, “Can the galactics not help with ending this horrendous treatment of animals?”  Your universal family is helping by beaming light in abundance to Earth, but they cannot interfere with the free will of individuals who cause suffering and merciless death to your animals. It is up to your society to stop abhorrent practices, and thanks to the dedicated efforts of many souls, this is happening. Countries are setting standards for treatment of animals and repercussions for violators; there are boycotts of food, other products and entertainment derived from animal exploitation; poachers of wild animals are being taught other livelihoods; education is expanding about the importance of preserving wildlife and their habitats on land and in the seas; the numbers of wildlife reserves and no-kill shelters of pet species continue growing and so do the numbers of homeless pets who are adopted.

Participating in or financially supporting these encouraging activities is vital, to be sure, but an invaluable contribution that everyone can make to improve animal life is to not agonize about their plight, but instead send love-light to all of Earth. The law of attraction brings back the very same energy sent forth in thoughts and feelings, thus agonizing about any situation brings back still more circumstances to evoke that feeling.

A reader in New Zealand asked why teen suicides in her country and elsewhere are becoming more frequent. Perhaps because of religious teachings, dying by one’s own hand at such a young age—at any age—is viewed as more tragic than death by disease or fatal injury. So first we say, there is no judgment or penalty and no such place as limbo or hell for people who end their lives.

Their reasons differ just as the individuals themselves do; however, according to our colleagues in Nirvana, most teenagers who commit suicide are gay or lesbian or they know that their body and gender are mismatched, and they enter spirit life with tormented psyches that need customized care for healing. They were emotionally drained from struggling to conform to familial expectations, societal standards and religious orientation, or they had been cast out after declaring their true selves—either way, they saw death as the only escape from hopelessness and despair. As your society continues growing consciously and spiritually, honoring the divinity and genuineness of all soul-selves will replace discrimination and rejection.

“I have noticed a lot of fear-based information on the Internet surrounding ingesting monatomic gold. Can you please elaborate on how it actually works within our bodies?”  The intention of that information—and it is a good example of DISinformation on the Internet—is to steer you away from one of the most valuable substances you can ingest. In addition to fortifying immune systems, monatomic gold contributes to health by rapidly regenerating cells; raising bodies’ frequencies; improving organs’ functioning; accelerating the transformation of carbon-based cells into crystalline; and helping to increase DNA strands. All of those physical benefits enhance brain power and that leads to expanded consciousness, spiritual clarity and overall balance. Individuals who are influenced by darkness don’t want you to have any of those advantages so they disseminate blatantly false, fear-based information about monatomic gold.

To readers who asked if signing petitions really does any good: Yes. You may or may not see prompt effects in the specific areas the petitions cover, but the energy you put forth to support endeavors you deem worthy contributes to the overall light on the planet.

“Please ask Matthew to speak about people suffering from depression. I am fearful I may not be following my soul contract and more so failing to do my part to promote positive loving thoughts to myself and others so as to assist Earth’s transition.”  Our understanding and compassion go out to this dear soul and to all others who are dealing with depression, an emotionally painful condition that has become almost commonplace in your world, and we hasten to say that none of you is failing self or others!  You are not lacking light, but light-heartedness. Even if depression is a karmic choice for balance, it needn’t be long-lasting, and discovering and alleviating the cause is possible.

The cause may be physical. Consult a trusted healthcare practitioner about testing for hormonal imbalance, which is treatable without pharmaceutical drugs that don’t eliminate the cause and do lead to other maladies. We have mentioned the benefits of monatomic gold, and suggest as well that you eat nutritious food, drink a great deal of pure water, get sufficient sleep, listen to melodic music, and spend as much time as possible with Nature. Especially during these times when body, mind and spirits are adjusting to ever-heightening vibrations, those are wise suggestions for everyone.

In many cases, depression is circumstantial, due to one’s own or loved ones’ situation or perhaps the state of your world. When you start thinking about something sad or worrisome, change to a positive thought about that situation and visualize it dissolving into beams of light—here again the law of attraction plays a crucial role. Take one step at a time to overcome feeling depressed—this can be as simple as the satisfaction of completing a small task or as uplifting as knowing that you are contributing light to the world via compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, generosity and kindness.

Dear ones, apply those light-filled feelings to yourself, too, and ask for help!  Angels, spirit guides, souls in Nirvana and other spirit worlds—all are God’s emissaries—are ever-ready and eager to help lift you out of depression’s heavy-heartedness.

Yes, planetary cleansing will continue a while longer because Earth needs to rid herself of negativity as it is produced. But we say to readers who asked about earthquakes that will devastate entire major cities, tsunamis of epic proportions, dramatic changes in land masses, and temperatures that will continue rising until they snuff out all life: Not only are those concerns needless, but they emit low vibrations that add to the negativity Earth has to deal with.

Many who requested our comments about the Trans Pacific Partnership feel this is an Illuminati-made bill that will benefit only the wealthiest. Several also questioned much the same as the reader who wrote: “If President Obama really is a light being, why is he pushing Congress to get this bill passed?” and others wrote that his efforts prove he is either Illuminati or their willing puppet or is being mind-controlled by them.

Indeed, TPP provisions have the potential to favor only the wealthy—whatever can be used beneficially also can be twisted into malevolent directions—and we shall tell you what we have been told about President Obama’s position. He is acting upon the advice of our “space” family members living among you to not make waves at this stage of behind-the-scenes talks with individuals in the Rockefeller faction. They are not defectors per se, they are pragmatists who know their aim of world control is doomed, and because their interests are better served by economic stability than global collapse, they are amenable to discussing reforms that will have far-reaching effects.

These individuals, whose cooperation can expedite the reforms, wield considerable influence in the corporate world; and their bargaining point is that by acting in good faith on TPP’s provisions, workers in the off-shore countries will reap benefits that currently are nonexistent and would not adversely affect workers in the United States. Our perspective is, as vibrations continue increasing, improvements will come in every aspect of life in your world, so with or without TPP, beneficial changes are ahead for people everywhere.

We honor you, our beloved family, for your perseverance as lightworkers.  You are adding immeasurably to the light that is propelling ongoing and forthcoming changes throughout your world.

Noticed more Chemtrails?


Greetings, this is James and it has been a while since the last update. The abassador training and the big conference are over yet we still have events planned into October with Laura Eisenhower, Dr Dream, Winston Shrout, Myself and Tashina, Randy Kramer etc. Check out www.privateinvitationeceti.COM for more information or email us at dont miss the upcoming Shasta Conference August 19th with Rob Potter also on the upcoming events site. Both the Ambassador Training and the conference went very well with high attendance. The ships played their part with ariel displays and powerups engaging those who had the sensitivity on the inner planes. The lion beings from Sirius, Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light, Andromedans and the Blue Avians all paid a visit during the Ambassador Training. Last night three massive ships came in together along with other ships earlier putting on quite a display. Clyde Lewis with Ground Zero will be here this Friday night doing a live broadcast and I will also be going live with my live broadcast on BBS radio. Station 1 8pm pst. As many know I have been out of touch lately due to several reasons. One I am working on major global projects which must remain undisclosed but I assure you it is awesome news. We also lost our internet due to lightning followed by my computer loosing its hard drive. We have been doing 8 to 9 counselings in one day which takes a lot out of me followed by radios shows and meetings in between. None the less I will have to start pacing myself to rebuild my own energies. We have had low flying c-130s, military jets and helicopters buzzing the ranch. There have been 12 helicopters in one day at tree top level. Obviously someone is interested in the ongoing contact at ECETI. For those debunkers who like to discount the overwhelming evidence of ongoing contact I would have to ask why all the military interest if nothing is happening here? There has also been massive chemtrail spraying all over the globe. We are receiving reports that top brass military people have been given the orders to eradicate myself and others using the chemtrail program and other exotic weapons. Amazing what drunk military officials will say at parties. Little do they know the universe has ways of making sure this information gets to the right people. The universe also has a way of holding them responsible for breaking their oath, treasonous acts, and warring on the very people they have sworn to protect. These are very sick people in high places who have no honor. The war on innocent women, children, nature herself as part of a draconian agenda with absolutely no respect for life. My question is why are so many oath keepers following their orders? In the days to come they will all be held accountable. I would not want to have their light review in their passing. They will face their deeds both here and in the hereafter. It is better to make the shift now and align oneself with Universal Law it is never to late to make amends and it will look good in your light review. There are forces at hand which will put and end to tyranny. It is coming very soon so it is best to not procrastinate. That is all for the moment, stay turned awesome things unfolding.
Be well:
James Gilliland

Karen Tallkat Conley




I’m interested in connecting with parents of children (ages 5-22) with strong psychic abilities that would enjoy sharing this with others.


A television producer is casting for a potential television show featuring psychic kids, and has asked me to scout around for possibilities.


I’m interested because I was one of those kids myself!


The concept is to create a happy, friendly and upbeat show for both kids and adults.


The premise is a child with a large happy family for background. The audience watches as the child learns to harness the gift.


If you or someone you know is interested in this opportunity, contact us for more information.


Hope all is well with everyone!




Karen Tallkat Conley




Please contact at:


Karen Tallkat Conley

POB 332, Glorieta, NM 87535


Matthew’s Message

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, June 24, 2015

Matthew Ward 222With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As information from countless sources pours in, please keep in mind that only some is factual—much is disinformation, misinformation, incomplete coverage, skewed perceptions or uninformed opinions—and that everything that actually is happening is purposeful.

This includes teetering or bankrupt economies; protests about injustices; terrorism; weather extremes and natural disasters; massive numbers of refugees; corporate and governmental shake-ups; and yes, even FIFA’s scandalous operation. Everything going on in your world is serving to fulfill chosen karmic experiences or aiding Earth’s return to environmental health or stirring minds that have been stuck in the oblivion of third density’s limitations.

It isn’t necessary in this moment that everyone understand current situations in the context of karma and balance, planetary cleansing and ascension or souls awakening—eventually that understanding will come to each individual. What is necessary in this moment is happening, and it is evident around your world: the peoples’ ever-growing determination to no longer accept killing, oppression, corruption, deception, pollution and impoverishment as “just life.” All light beings throughout this universe are beaming light and helping in many other ways to assist your dedicated endeavors to end “just life” conditions.

A number of messages some time ago explained what caused the 10-year delay in your society’s attaining the consciousness level anticipated by the Highest Universal Council when they formulated Earth’s Golden Age master plan. In a more recent message we told you that by the end of your year 2017, that decade of delay will be over—a fact that meant no more than that, yet it elicited a flood of emails.

The questions can be summed up as follows: Do you mean that no important developments can happen until the end of 2017? Is that when spacecraft crews will land and ETs living here will identify themselves? Will Earth reach her ascension destination in 2017? Can Earth really be restored to her original health and beauty in that short time? Does this mean all wars will continue until 2017?

Especially erroneous is the idea that our statement meant, or implied, that no significant developments can happen until the end of 2017. Beloved Earth family, with every passing day you are moving forward in transforming your world, an undertaking of unprecedented magnitude that is being achieved with unprecedented speed! We wish—as you do!—that everything this entails would happen in the blink of an eye, and it could if enough souls there believed it could. But few know they have this innate power, so progress in ways the populace can see goes according to what they think is possible in linear time, and they have no idea about major developments “off stage.”

That notwithstanding, with great joy we tell you that activity in strategic areas is reaching fever pitch, so to say, and Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that results with far-reaching benevolent effects is on the near horizon. Nothing can reverse this forward movement, but its momentum could be slowed because the field is in constant motion as energy streamers zigzag this way or that in accordance with thoughts, feelings and deeds of every life form on the planet. Steadfastness in radiating your light will help to keep momentum in the fast lane.

Now then, we are happy to respond to a variety of questions. No, we don’t perceive China as “trying to become #1 with economic and military superiority over the US and Russia.” China’s leaders are no different from those in the United States, Russia and all other countries—they want a satisfied citizenry because that is the foundation of national stability. The government of China would like to show solidarity to the world, but largely due to social media, it is evident that there is conflict among those in power, much like it is in other countries during these tumultuous times. Powerful persons in all ruling bodies from community level to international are reacting to heightening vibrations—hardliners are digging in their heels, up-and-coming leaders are embracing the light. As “good vibes” keep accelerating, the hardliners will wane in numbers and influence.

Numerous readers in the United States have expressed concern that the military training exercise called Jade Helm is a “red flag” so the government can declare martial law, confiscate guns, and put dissenters in FEMA camps to undergo brainwashing. This is no different from the many other instances that also were labeled “red flags”—either outright false information disseminated to create panic or the assumption of individuals who tend to ascribe sinister intentions to whatever the government does. Please do not be drawn into the fear that is the basis of this melodrama from “either/or” source.

Another area of some concern is the risk posed by potential malfunctioning of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. First we say, if scientists in advanced civilizations and Nirvana had not deemed that your world was ready for this advancement, they would not have “filtered” to your physicists even the idea of this technology, much less construction and operating instructions. Yes, it is human to err, as your saying goes, and if someone does that, crews in ships overhead are prepared to prevent a serious outcome.

We have been asked if all who were involved in the shooting in the historic church in Charleston, South Carolina, agreed to play those roles. The nine persons who died and their families did agree, but their agreement, like many others during this stage of Earth’s ascension, contains what could be called a “contingency” clause. In this case, the clause stipulates that if racism no longer is an issue in your world, there would be no need to end the lifetime or grieve the loss of a loved one due to a racially-based incident. Lamentably, racism does still run deep in your society. The persons who died in the church and their families became the most recent souls to emphasize that the sickness inherent in bigotry must be cured, and that is the same purpose served by the young man who agreed to do the shooting.

Individuals who change genders respond to their awareness that heart, mind and body, they are not the gender identified at birth. While physical changes may be a more complex mental and emotional undertaking than persons experience in uncovering their homosexuality or bisexuality, all of these souls are claiming their authentic selves. An aspect of your society’s advancement is the honoring of transgender individuals, who, like everyone else, don’t know that they chose in soul contracts to be pioneers in this sense. People who resist accepting the validity of gender change—or of any sexual nature other than heterosexual—still are rooted in religious dogmas that have barely even a nodding acquaintance with the sanctity and divinity of every soul.

Matthew said the Illuminati made their money illegally and immorally so it can be recovered and used to eliminate poverty. Why don’t the people who’ll be in charge of the new economic system just take the money out of Illuminati banks now and distribute it where it’s desperately needed?” The individuals in positions to do this are acting with forthrightness within the laws of your society. To do otherwise would be acting in the same reprehensible ways the Illuminati have all along, thus employing the very tactics they are striving to eliminate.

Another needless concern is overpopulation. The number of people in your world is not the cause of starvation, subsistence living and lack of health care—unequal distribution of monies and Illuminati control of natural resources is. Many planets in this universe smaller than Earth have far more residents, who live peacefully in abundance and with respect for all life forms in their worlds. When Earth is restored to her original health, she could easily accommodate all the needs of double your current population—but please do not assume that this means there will be a population explosion!

Although the Illuminati no longer have access to the technology they formerly used to cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms, energy set in motion by those events has a domino effect. The energy of a quake, for instance, doesn’t stop when the tremors stop, but rather it continues to flow and generates a multitude of less powerful quakes before it dissipates. Although “ancient” negativity has been dealt with, “fresh” sources are bringing to the surface deeply entrenched remnants of the massive amount created long ago, and occasionally this happens in areas where natural disasters are considered anomalies.

It is the same with Mother Nature’s activity, but the intent differs greatly and intent has its own energy streamers. The intent of the Illuminati is to create negativity, which could be considered self-replicating because its energy sustains and empowers them; Mother Nature’s intent is to release negativity so it isn’t available to create more of itself.

A reader who saw a film of a reporter from the United States interviewing Vladimir Putin asked if there is any truth to his claim that he is not responsible for the unrest in Ukraine. Earth’s monitors in Nirvana apprised us of that interview, so we can state that Mr. Putin’s claim is truthful—it is Illuminati troublemakers who are responsible—and he also is correct in saying that the shared cultural history of people in Ukraine and Russia crosses national borders.

“Why is the US always seen as the bad guy no matter where on Earth trouble spots are?” Washington, DC, and Wall Street are the headquarters of the Illuminati’s Rockefeller faction, but since few know this, all of their operations are attributed to that country’s government. And not without good reason. From its very beginning that government has been riddled with Illuminati or operate under their influence, and later they infiltrated the CIA, FBI, FDA, NSA, CDC, UN, NASA and all other agencies that could further their aim of world domination.

Furthermore, the Rockefeller faction was extremely forceful in expanding its influence well beyond the United State whereas the Rothschild faction, which grew out of the original small group in Bavaria, concentrated its efforts in Europe. While the Rockefeller group still is clinging to some fragments of power, the Rothschild group is fast losing the last shreds of its former control of governments, banking and commerce, and the stronghold they once had in the Vatican is gone. Pope Francis is on a house-cleaning mission as well as speaking out against Illuminati-created world conditions that both factions have been trying to keep status quo. They are seeing their efforts becoming less and less effective; eventually they will see their utter futility.

It is so that we haven’t attributed the increase in light on the planet to solar flares; however, we have talked about the effects of light from all sources. In addition to saving Earth’s very life, effects may include unusual and temporary physical, mental and emotional conditions, and definitely intensifying light magnifies personal characteristics and behavior. Also we have told you light’s long-term—and vital!—effects: It transforms carbon-based cells into the crystalline form that are viable in higher vibratory levels and enables advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness. So yes, absolutely Sol’s activity is part and parcel of Earth’s ascension and yours.

We understand the feelings of the reader who wrote her difficulty in believing that anyone would choose a life of suffering or cause suffering to others, that the first is masochistic and the latter, sadistic. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine why souls would willingly choose either role—or that all of you have done the very same many times. It is with unconditional love for all others in the pre-birth agreement that some souls agree to act with extreme harshness so others can experience what they need to balance lifetimes when they were the abusive ones. When peoples live together happily and harmoniously, life on Earth will be in balance and no more back-and-forth lifetimes will be needed.

“Thousands of children are dying every day. How is it in keeping with LOVE and LIGHT that all these innocents are deprived of physically ascending with Earth?” The importance of the karmic aspect aside, Earth’s residents physically ascending with her never has meant living there throughout the journey to her destination in fifth density. Every single soul who has lived on the planet since its ascension process began 80-some years ago was or is physically ascending location-wise.

The aim of every soul in every lifetime is personal ascension—growing spiritually and consciously—and this has little to do with incarnation longevity or location. By embodying only a short time, a soul can complete contract provisions and achieve personal ascension. A person who lives 100 years and lifelong makes free will choices contrary to soul contract selections doesn’t experience what was needed to personally ascend.

Dear brothers and sisters, like every other person who has entered Earth’s spirit realm, when you transition and review your lifetime, you won’t measure it by how long you lived, but by how you lived.

Now we bid you farewell in words only, as our unconditional love always is with you.


Suzanne Ward

[NOTE: Awful results of a recent computer repair include some addresses and the loss of all emails in my inbox and sent file prior to June 6th. If you wrote before then and didn’t receive a reply, please resend your email. Thank you!

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